Monday, October 14, 2013

Tic Tac Drill

Hello everyone, i found this video on the internet 5 hard Devilstick Drills which i quite liked (from a didactic point of view the trick selection could be optimised i guess) mainly becouse i reminded me of the idea of Devilstick Drills.

Refering to this Video a drill is an endurance run of a singe or very similiar Tricks i would define it as: A Sequenz of similar Tricks performed dropless and as smoth as possible beginning with the easyest and then working up to the hardest trick.

A drill should contain only tricks you can do fluently, with good form and without a high  risk of dropping

I know i had more thrills but i nearly stopped doing them for the last years becouse i did improvisations rather than drills for most my warm ups, but there is one i still use quite often when i start a sticking session.

It contains only tic tac (idle) Variations, and i guess they are a good warm up for advanced stickers but also an interesting challenge for a beginner (learning all these tricks as well as performing them in one dropless run)

I will try to reconstruct some of my old drills and maybe also figure out a new drill or two on the next weeks, but be patient with me, im still adopting to circus training (meaning sore muscles and extrem lazyness every morning/evening) and have other stuff to do like searching a room for next month (seriously: IF YOU KNOW A FREE ROOM IN BERLIN PLEASE CONTACT ME )

nevermind sorry for caps lock, have a good evening and enjoy the video

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